In Support of Bobby Worthington

This is a platform to share updates and specific prayer requests for our beloved Bob, Bobby, Bear, Coach Worthington.  

After struggling to fully get over the never ending man cold (and COVID) that hit him New Years... he decided to get lab work. Which prompted a stat CT scan (from left field) on Feb 1st and later that same day he was hit in the gut by a hard curveball---when the Doctor called to deliver the news that there is a concerning mass and the consensus that he has pancreatic cancer.  

As any good coach, Bobby is following his own advice. When life throws you a curveball... hit it out of the park and run the bases with confidence. 

He is headed to the Mayo Clinic for further testing, a more clear prognosis, and to hopefully learn what a treatment protocol might entail. 

These entries will be a collective effort on behalf of Team Worthington. We will update when we have information to share. Until then, we beg everyone cheering from the bleachers to storm Heaven's gates and ask for a miracle, a home run, and full healing. Ask for wisdom and guidance. Ask for strength and endurance. Ask for peace and rest.   

For we know that "the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Piper is the best team mom any coach could ask for. She is probably already thinking of how to decorate the hospital, get party favors for the nurses, and find him some decent post game snacks. She clearly deserves the game ball.

As Babe Ruth said... we will never let the fear of striking out keep us from playing the game.  

We all know how much Bob Worthington loves all things sports--and of course winning-- but Bob would want everyone to know the ultimate WIN in life is having a loving relationship with a Heavenly Father.   

"This isn't the news I desired or saw coming. But instead of asking God 'why me?' I am asking God to show me how I can make His name known to others through my story. I know people will be watching. My biggest prayer is that I can show people how great His love is." -Bob 

Let's play ball and Praise the Lord! 
-Maggie (Bobby's daughter) 

🐻To his grand kids he is known as "Bear" so together we will fight this battle #BearStrong 

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Bob Worthington

Organized by Maggie Lawrence and Bob Worthington.

Words of Support

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Carole Crighton

Sending so much love and prayers to you Bob. I have the greatest memories of our fun at Wesleyan. You are one of the most kind, amazing humans I know. Love you so. 🙏
  • 1 day ago
  • on 'Strike 9' update

Bill Riheldaffer

Thank You, Maggie, for the inspiring update after Bobby’s 9th Treatment! We have all been “ Living on a Prayer “ since Bobby’s Chemo Sessions began and I am sooo happy that Bear is 3/4 of the way there! I mean, as far as I can decipher Bon Jovi i...
  • 1 day ago
  • on 'Strike 9' update

Ron Cameron

This update is a testament about the power of prayers and how sometimes we need to let go and let God work his power! So glad all is going well!
  • 1 day ago
  • on 'Strike 9' update

Lisa Gibson

So absolutely fabulous that Bobby continues to do so well- he amazes all of us! I’m a big fan and can’t wait to hear that bell ring! Continued prayers! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼
  • 1 day ago
  • on 'Strike 9' update

Martha Grizzle

Maggie~ I am so very grateful for these updates. I am praying for your dear father every day and have him firmly on my heart at all times! 💛💛💛
  • 1 day ago
  • on 'Strike 9' update

Laura Spadafino

Love you guys so much. Praying with you in Kentucky!!!
  • 1 day ago
  • on 'Strike 9' update
  • Created Feb 04, 2024
  • Illness

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