In Support of Bobby Worthington

These entries will be a collective effort on behalf of Team Worthington. We will update when we have information to share. Until then, we beg everyone cheering from the bleachers to storm Heaven's gates and ask for a miracle, a home run, and full healing. Ask for wisdom and guidance. Ask for strength and endurance. Ask for peace and rest.
Piper is the best team mom any coach could ask for. She is probably already thinking of how to decorate the hospital, get party favors for the nurses, and find him some decent post game snacks. She clearly deserves the game ball.
As Babe Ruth said... we will never let the fear of striking out keep us from playing the game.
We all know how much Bob Worthington loves all things sports--and of course winning-- but Bob would want everyone to know the ultimate WIN in life is having a loving relationship with a Heavenly Father.
-Maggie (Bobby's daughter)
Support Registry
Browse all the options to help, in one place.
Keep up to date as needs change.
Final strike out
Seams and stitches
12th inning with the 12th man
- Created Feb 04, 2024
- •
- Illness
Support Registry
Browse all the options to help, in one place.
Words of Support
Donate, send meals, or lend a hand to include words of support.
Steve Makovsky
Lisa Gibson
Helen Crow
Renee Jones
Pam Propis
Gail Osborne