Support Registry Update

“Lucky” Strike 7

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Strike 7.

Today was strike 7 against chemo. The lucky number 7.... 

LUCKY in a lot of ways.... for starters, the chemo chaperone was brother Billy. And they didn't get ejected from the game. Even when Billy was tickling coach's feet.  

He even escorted him in style... with a lucky #7 decorated on the car. 

LUCKY that his lab work was looking great today and much improved! 

LUCKY that his neice, Annie Stewart, was in Atlanta and was a surprise lunch date.

LUCKY that he was surprised by sweet friends (the Skinners)visiting this afternoon and bringing dinner.

LUCKY that he continues to feel relatively well, all things considering.

LUCKY that he was present today when the news interviewed the OG coach on his reflections regarding UTs big win!

To quote the famous Tris Speaker “luck is the great stabilizer in baseball.”

This had me thinking and reflecting on what the Bible says about “luck.” As Christians we believe that God is in control of all events, and that nothing is a matter of chance, or luck. Therefore God is OUR great stabilizer. We have the strength to face tomorrow because we are stable in our Faith. And we know that we are “lucky winners” no matter the outcome….

So… pancreatic cancer…. we say to you, “better LUCK next time…” (it ain’t happening here!)

Please join us in praying specifically for the upcoming repeat scans which will take place next week at The Mayo Clinic. Pray for clear results that read as specific findings and not suspicious findings. We continue to believe and pray for miracles and full healing in Jesus name. Would you pray also for coach to have REST of mind, body, and spirit…. Especially as this much anticipated scan is lurking around the corner. May he find REST the days ahead.

Thanks for all the ongoing love, support, prayers, and encouragement. We have the best fans in the stands!

So, let’s keep playing ball and praising the Lord!




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Gail Osborne

Praying for rest, strength, no suspicious areas in scans and safe travels to Mayo. I love getting these updates and I love that surprise lunch date girl!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
  • 4 months ago

Ron Cameron

My prayer is just that for strength, continued faith and trust that scans will continue positive! God is good all the time
  • 4 months ago

Laura Spadafino

Praying in KY! Sending love and all the positive thoughts!!
  • 4 months ago

Robert Schaedle

Bob, you are looking good! You have a great deal of “Medicine” surrounding you with all of your beautiful grandchildren & family. I pray next week will be another very positive progress report.
  • 4 months ago

Martha Grizzle

Praying CONSTANTLY for Bob! What an incredible support system💛
  • 4 months ago

Mike Goforth

Praying for clear scans, strength for you and your family and for never ending faith in Jesus' power.
  • 4 months ago

Theresa Ward

This is the best news ever! Made my day! The pictures are the best!
  • 4 months ago

Van Bunch

So good to hear. Thanks for the update and hear's to continued good LUCK!
  • 4 months ago

Van Bunch

So good to hear. Thanks for the update and here's to continued good LUCK!
  • 4 months ago

Andrea Shupert

We are praying with you all for clear scans ahead at Mayo and for REST for all of the Worthington's. What a lovely honor for your granddad!
  • 4 months ago

Lane Ritch

Continuing to pray for you, Bobby! You have the best support system and love surrounding you! So glad to hear you seem to be handling the chemo well, and always have a smile during your treatment. Praying the scans next week will be in your favor! Love you dear friend!
  • 4 months ago

Missy Hamlin

Prayers for good scans. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
  • 4 months ago

Steve Makovsky

Bob - Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers from CT!
  • 3 months ago