In Support of Motel rent for 14 days

In the middle of a divorce after 25 years. I own a house and 7 acres that im unable to move back into for 14 days. My husband refused to leave, however he was arrested Nov 17, 3023. But the day he went to jail, he moved some random women in our marital home to cause me problems. I spent $200 to take her to court to evict her. I spent all my saving's ($1400) the 4 weeks I waited on my court date in motel expenses. Had to quit my job to deal with this. Went to court and won possession of my house back, however, the judge gave her 10 days to move out. I'm asking for help to pay motel expenses for 14 days until I can go back home. Thank u for your support.
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- Created Dec 21, 2023
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