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In Support of Monica Cain

Great day everyone!

Many people are unaware of my present health situation, which is at its worst right now. I was in the intensive care unit for 17 days, on 45 liters of oxygen, and still couldn't breathe. I had 20 liters on my concentrator and 25 on my portable tank, as well as two cannulas in my nose at the same time, and I still couldn't breathe. Anyway, while I was in the hospital, the doctors wanted to put me on life support, but my life isn't up to them, and the God I serve says differently. I currently have a caretaker and one of the hardest things for me to do is walk. When I take a step my oxygen immediately drops, so I sleep a lot because that’s the only way my oxygen stays as it should. I hate walking but I refuse to give up, I just do what I can. My life consists of going to the hospital or going to doctor appointments. I am currently in need of an electric wheelchair. The one that Medicaid offers I have to utilize my hands and due to any exertion my oxygen drops. I am asking for any donation to help purchase an electric wheelchair that is accessible for me. I am appreciative of anything and in advance I thank you.

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Monica cain

Organized by Monica Cain.


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No Needs Specified, Yet

The family hasn’t specified needs at this time. Offer a hand instead to let them know you are willing to help.

Words of Support

Donate, send meals, or lend a hand to include words of support.

Deacon Tim Johnson

God gonna bless you with that chair sister Monica
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation


Lifting you in prayer
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation

Tamara Merritts

Love you and praying for healing!!
  • about 1 year ago
  • with donation
Give Money
  • Created Nov 29, 2023
  • Health Decline

Support Registry

Browse all the options to help, in one place.

What to know about SupportNow

One place for all support

Managing tough times is hard enough. We provide one place to bring together all of a family's support needs.

Supporter-led and families-first

Families don't always know what they need. We make it fast and simple to offer support, reducing the responsibility on families.

Transparency and Trust

Safe, secure, and transparent options to support families in tough times.