In Support of Marissa Pressey

Friends & Family of The Presseys,
We are sure you have heard the news by now but earlier this year the Presseys received some tragic news that Marissa (wife and mama of two) was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer at the age of 31.
Back in 2020, Marissa was first diagnosed with a low platelet disorder after getting pregnant with her second daughter, London. Fast forward two years and she started developing symptoms unrelated to her disorder. She knew something was wrong.
After a visit to the doctor and treatments for her symptoms, they noticed her blood count kept dropping and referred her to a hematologist for a bone marrow biopsy. On April 19, 2023, Marissa found out she was diagnosed with MDS or myelodysplastic syndrome.
Marissa is now on the search for a bone marrow donor which does look promising but the road ahead won't be easy one. She will undergo chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant this fall once a donor is secured.
This Go Fund Me is set up for the Presseys to help cover medical bills (not covered by insurance), travel and hotel expenses to and from treatment in Los Angeles, and provide some financial relief while Marissa takes a leave of absence to rest, heal and recover. 
We appreciate your donations and PRAYERS! Please pray for Marissa's treatment and recovery, for Marissa's body and mind to be strong and handle the treatment well, and for Marissa's husband Zack, daughters Blake and London and her family to support her on this journey.
We will continue to provide updates and answers over time as they get more answers on treatment dates and her recovery.
Thank you for all your support,
Friends of The Presseys

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Marissa Pressey

Organized by Audra.

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Natalie Bickel

Praying for you and your family. I want to say that you're so strong, but I'm sure you're very tired too. Feel whatever you need to feel throughout this time and don't feel guilty for any part of it. Sending you so much love.
  • 9 months ago
  • with donation
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  • Created Sep 11, 2023
  • Illness

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