In Support of Ericka and Phebe

Hello I am organizing this in hopes my daughter an grandchild can get help they desperately need..My daughter Ericka an my grandchild Phebe age 12 ..Ericka has been in an abusive relationship with her husband Phebes step-dad for 4 years..Finally she just walked away no money no belongings just the clothes on her back her child an her pet that's it ..She needs help..I am on disability myself I can't help her an it breaks my heart. She has managed to secure a job offer to start soon but she needs help with getting into a place to live for we all know rent an deposits are outrageous even working ..we have tried shelters transitional housing an any other recommendations given but they are all full with waitlist that range from 6 months to 3 years so I don't know..we managed a hotel night for a few nights an phebe can stay with family for a month or two on her biological dad side..that leaves my daughter sleeping in the cold in her car..It is my wish she an her daughter can be back together with a roof over their heads an healing can begin..any an all help would be so would be the best Christmas gift they could receive right now if you can help thank you so much if not I understand times are bad for everyone but please at least pray for them..they need all prayers they can get 

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Ericka Jewell

Organized by Laura Mays and Ericka Jewell.


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  • Created Nov 25, 2023
  • Other

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