Support Registry Update

“Jesus Juice”

In support of
Emily Powers
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Emily began chemotherapy today, the 1st of 18 in her total comprehensive treatment plan spread across June-October. The strength of these initial "Phase 1" doses (June and July scheduled every 2 weeks) are the strongest in her treatment plan. I love this picture of Emily starting this next phase. This was taken just as she began her time in the chair. 

This particular concoction she began today is most commonly referred to as the "Red Devil". Named this due to its strength and distinctive color that is given as a liquid injected into the vein. It kills cancer cells by damaging their DNA, preventing them from replicating. But its strength does not come without unpleasant side effects, in addition to hair loss, an increased risk of infection, nausea and vomiting. 

While administering her chemo, Emily's nurse informed her she calls it “Jesus Juice” instead because they're not giving the devil credit in any part of her healing process. Amen! What a mental shift giving The Great Physician His rightful place.

To add an emotional layer of feeling jarred by a cancer diagnosis so young, her particular hospital does not allow a guest to sit with you during the hours long chemo treatments. So as you can imagine a family as close as ours has been asking God to remain in the tiny details, bringing her comfort in ways we cannot or do not yet know how to. One in particular we prayed for was to provide Em with a friend in her chemo room. Someone to see across the room and form a bond with, knowing you both can beat this. And with so much rich life continuing ahead of these days.

I will let Emily's text leaving the hospital do the talking...

"Today went better than expected. The nurses were absolutely excellent & made the experience a pleasant one. I had no adverse reactions during for my first treatment - the steroids that were administered are kicking in 🤪 she said it could cause me to not sleep tonight - I made a chemo friend who also had her port put in the same day as me last Wednesday & we will keep in touch!"

God was (is) in the small details of our heart's desires. He cares for us so lovingly, and does not look over us in our lowest valleys. His power is made perfect in our weakness and will carry her.

Fast forward to this evening, upon her settling back in at home, the side effects of extreme fatigue, migraine, and nausea have begun to kick in unfortunately, but not to her surprise as she has spent so much time researching and preparing. Although no amount of preparation softens the physical blow. Will you join us in praying for her body? Her stamina? Her spirit? That she would feel the presence of Jesus fill her home as she rests in these blurry and uncomfortable days of recovery after Chemo, comfort her, and heal her body from within? 

Can I ask you for a call to action? Would you consider writing Emily a card of encouragement and your favorite verse for her so that I can collect them and put them on a round clip to flip through as she rests as home? If you text me (her sister Stephanie Britt Datnoff) at 256-962-3168, I will share my address with you. Or if you are friends of our parents reading this you can hand deliver to them.

It may not seem like much, but to hear positive words of encouragement and scripture from her cheering section at this physically grueling stage will remind her she is not walking alone.

Proverbs 16:24 says, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."

Her next chemo treatment is scheduled two weeks from today on Wednesday June 19th. 

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Connie Weimer

Praying for her 🙏 ❤️
  • 5 months ago

Shirley Hallman

I hate that she can’t have anyone with her. It was so helpful to me to have my husband or other family meme we there to keep me company. Prayers for God’s blessings for Emily and family during this time.
  • 5 months ago