Support Registry Update

Strike 6

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Today Coach had his 6th strike against chemo. 
Only 6 more and he will knock it out of the park. 
We are so encouraged that his counts were improved and up today. The injections he is doing at home are working!  
His chemo chaperone was the team mom. This is her first time chaperoning since strike one. She ordered Uber eats and he ate an entire meat lovers pizza.  
When he got home he was greated by two surprise visitors who brought him his favorite supper—-fried chicken livers. (I can hardly type that without gagging, but I would eat an entire plate if it would take the cancer away)  
The next big event is July 2nd and 3rd when they return to The Mayo Clinic for some additional scans and imaging to further investigate this “suspicious tissue and suspected recurrence.” We are praying hard that this brings more concrete answers and a clear path forward. Obviously praying that it is CLEAR and CLEAN and NO signs of cancer returning. Please join us in praying for this. And preparing our hearts for whatever news that might come. 
 We are so thankful that Coach has continued to tolerate chemo with minimal side effects… his main complaint is the extreme fatigue. Being a mom to three young and non stop boys I can almost relate to this fatigue....  
regardless of the fatigue he still powers through. A teaching moment for me! He was able to travel to Birmingham for the birthday celebration of his grandsons Briggs and Sims and he plans to travel to Kentucky this coming weekend to celebrate his grandson Teddy’s birthday and his son Will's birthday.
We have a giant family FaceTime pre-game the Tuesday nights before chemo. They have become so much fun and so special. Someone (usually Will) leads a group prayer and leads a short devotion with a word picked out for that chemo session. This weeks word is “BELONGING” …..  
Just as fans come together and feel a sense of unity and belongingness to a team…. 
We have been unified by belonging on Team Worthington. 
But more than that…. We know that we belong to Christ. “We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood. a holy nation. a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of him who called you into His wonderful light.”  1 Peter 2:9 
Coach continues to have the best attitude. He continues to lift others up along the way and help those around him. He is truly my hero. Today we called Coach on FaceTime while he was at chemo and after we hung up my 6 year old said “mama, Bear is smiling. He isn’t sick.” We should all be like Coach and keep smiling… regardless of if the scoreboard says we are winning or loosing the game. 
Let’s keep playing ball and praising the Lord! 


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Jimmy Hignight

Maggie your Dad and I have been friends practically all our lives and he is my hero also. Bobby's Courage and Warrior spirit is truly an inspiration to us all.
  • 4 months ago

Lane Ritch

This sounds like he is definitely winning this game. He continues to amaze me! Praying for your entire family, and so glad to hear Bobby continues to handle the chemo well and keeps smiling! Sending lots of love from the Ritches! ❤️❤️
  • 4 months ago

Mark Reed

Thank you Maggie for this inspiring update. I had the great pleasure of a short (45 min) phone conversation w “coach” last night. I came away inspired and uplifted by our conversation. Love you Bobby.
  • 4 months ago

Gail Osborne

Continued prayers for all of you! 🙏🏼
  • 4 months ago

Theresa Ward

I was so happy to see this encouraging report in my mailbox today! So thankful your wonderful family is keeping everyone posted as you are on my heart and in my prayers daily! I can't wait to talk to you once you knock this completely out of the park and are feeling well again.
  • 4 months ago

John Wilson

Maggie, it is such an honor that you've given so many the chance to pray for your Dad, and not just pray in a general sense, but for specific and tangible needs that we can lift to God. CLEAR, CLEAN, and NO is the focus for the next 11 to 12 days. Keep us up to date. - JW
  • 4 months ago