Support Registry Update

Strike 5

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Strike 5. 

Remember, we are playing T-ball…. And you get a lot of strikes. Today coach had his FIFTH strike against cancer…. And it was Webb’s turn to be the chemo chaperone. And in true Webb fashion he had a surprise up his sleeve: he snuck Davis into the unit to give Bear lunch and drugs much stronger than chemo—bear hugs and Eskimo kisses. Kids under 12 aren’t allowed but who would dare look at that little angle in pink glasses and tell her no! Turns out, she administered “medicine” to all the patients who saw her. 

*CURVE BALL* you didn’t it coming.  Neither did we. Last week Coach returned to the Mayo Clinic for his first visit since surgery and starting chemo. This was for his routine 3 month scans.

“Suspicion for recurrence” is the opening line of the MRI report. *HIT BY A PITCH* that’s what it feels like. However…. It’s only suspicion and not confirmed. It “could be cancer, or it could be an area of concern due to chemotherapy or from surgery. It’s too complicated and dangerous to biopsy.” *PLAY IS UNDER FURTHER REVIEW* so, we are holding our breath, storming Heavens Gates, and seeking more definitive answers that we hope to have in 6 weeks with a repeat MRI in Atlanta.

We are so thankful his white blood cell count was back up today… That is a positive. He was able to proceed with chemo today (still at a lower percentage than what is prescribed) due to other labs. But we are so thankful he has been healthy and strong enough to attend every chemo visit as planned thus far.

He felt great the past two weeks after round 4. He was able to attend the UT baseball game in Knoxville where he escorted his 98 year old father out on the field and watch him throw the first ceremonial pitch—as the oldest living UT letterman. What a special moment. He was able to enjoy time fishing and boating around the lake for MDW. He has still been able to work. He has had a much improved appetite. And He has remained steadfast in his faith.

Now that the pitcher threw a curve ball,  we will adjust our grip and be even more ready for whatever pitch comes next… even if it’s another dang curveball.

Please join us in praying that the new scans will be clear of cancer and clear in diagnosing the specific area of concern. Pray he tolerates round 5 with minimal side effects. And pray for his family and young grandkids that are desperately wanting their Bear’s boo boos to go away.

Special thanks to the Lorberbaum family for gifting Coach the most comfy fleece baseball blanket which is perfect for chemo days. And special thanks to Charlotte and Chris Turner for being the sweetest garden fairies  and surprising the team mom (and coach) with fresh new flowers and plants in their planters! 

I’ll close with a quote from coach:

“He has said to me just today, ‘quit leaning into your own perceptions of what I am up to and what I have planned.  Quit worrying about what you cannot control, and have faith that I absolutely CAN control it all.  And trust me with the hard stuff as I am right here beside you and I’m good at hard stuff!!!’”

So let’s keep playing ball and praising the Lord! 


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patti sanders

Sending much love and continued prayers.❤️🙏
  • 5 months ago

Zander Clarkson

Prayers from Pickens!
  • 5 months ago

Pamela Clarkson

Bob & Piper,
We are continuing to pray for you all. Bob, you are such a humble, generous, & strong, godly man. You are continuing to shine your light for the Lord through your strong faith. The Lord fights for us! He supplies the power (strength) we need when things are less than the best.
2 Corinthians 12:9a- But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
We are praying for your scans to come back clear, for continued good blood counts, & the Lord to be near you.
In Christian Love,
Pamela Clarkson
  • 5 months ago

Dana Lee

Hi! I'm Ted Fithian's sister. I'm honored to receive these updates, and even MORE honored to pray for "coach". I'll ask Ted to share with a family member, the success story of our nephew. I wear a mustard seed in his (and HIS) honor. Matthew 17:20 says, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you'". Sending love and MUCH support and prayer, Dana
  • 5 months ago

Lisa Gibson

Bobby we are continuing to pray for strength and complete healing! You sure have a great team on your side! Much Love!
  • 5 months ago

Karen Ferrell

What an adorable little angel you have in your lap! Keep fighting the good fight! You have a beautiful family who loves you so much. You’re in my prayers.
  • 5 months ago

Lane Ritch

Bobby’s unwavering faith and strength is most amazing, but not surprising! If I had to bet on anybody to beat this cancer, it would be Bobby Worthington!! Praying for him, and all of your family, every single day! You are all so blessed to have each other, the most wonderful family! God Bless you all! Sending much love from the Ritch family! ❤️
  • 5 months ago

Shelby Miller

Praying big bold prayers for Bear 🤟🏼 love y’all
  • 5 months ago

Pam Tallmadge

Bobby - continued prayers! You have the stands full of fans cheering you on. What a blessing to have a strong family to support you as well...Prayers for them as well. Stay strong!
  • 5 months ago

Jeanne Schaedle

God Bless you Bob...what a wonderful gift your family.....always praying for you and yours
  • 5 months ago

Pamela Wilson

We are praying and trusting with you🙏❤️sending much love !
  • 5 months ago

Roxi Elfering

I am sending love, hugs and lots of prayers to all of you- keep up the great attitude and fight Bear!
  • 5 months ago

Raymond Walker

Bob, so sorry to hear about the curve ball and getting “thumped”. Disappointing news, but your trust in the Lord is extraordinary! Hope you can rest in that, the side effects from the treatment yesterday are minimal. Praying for your peace, comfort and healing. Take care my friend.
  • 5 months ago

Theresa Ward

Thank you for the photo of the adorable ministering angel in pink! Such good medicine indeed! I am storming the gates with all of you!!!
  • 5 months ago

Missy Hamlin

Bob, you are in our prayers for good scans and healing. 💙🙏🏼
  • 5 months ago

Jose Vichez

You are wonderful people, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve you in your landscaping needs. Praying for Bobby and the rest of the family, knowing that our Lord has control of everything.
  • 5 months ago

Bill Riheldaffer

Good Morning (Barely)! One of my favorite scenes in the movie “ Grease “ is when the Principal (Played brilliantly by Eve Arden) of Rydell High is making the daily announcements over the intercom to the entire school. As she is encouraging everyone to come out to the first football game of the season she enthusiastically states, “ If you can’t be an Athlete, be an Athletic Supporter “! And that is exactly the role I was in back in the Fall of 1973 as an 8th Grader at Baylor for Bobby Worthington! Bobby has told me stories of “ Dealing with Adversity “ in his athletic career, and how those moments were great teaching lessons for the biggest game of all-Life! And here we are today, “ Dealing with Adversity “. And I am still in my exact same role as 51 years ago- Supporting “ Bear “ with prayers and encouragement! I Love You, # 14! Bear Strong! 🐻💪🙏🏻🍀😘
  • 5 months ago

Allison Bacon

Continuous prayers from the Bacons/Brechins!
  • 5 months ago