Support Registry Update

Counting strikes in a T-ball game

In support of
Bobby Worthington
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Another strike

Let’s pretend we are playing T-ball and you get more than three strikes. Except unlike T-ball where no one really counts… we ARE counting! Today was another strike--against cancer.

Strike FOUR, to be exact.

Coach had a surprise chemo chaperone today…. His dear friend Mark Hutts. Mark was his first little league baseball coaching buddy and they continued coaching together for 7 years. They have walked a lot of difficult and challenging times together as friends, coaches, and parents. This platform doesn’t allow video uploads but I shared a reel (a video for those confused folks!) on my Instagram and you can see the most cheerful smile when my dad saw Mark walk through the doors this morning, bright and early! What a special day they had together. While I wasn’t there to eavesdrop… I’m willing to bet they talked baseball at least once.  

Piper Miles ("little Piper") made a surprise guest appearance today and provided lunch to Coach and Mark. Cancer units are no stranger to her--she works for CHOA at Aflac. What a special person she is. My dad was so thrilled to see her walk in the doors. He texted the family and said "Now, ready for this????
Highlight of the day, and made me cry, was when Lil Pipes surprised me with our lunch at the chemo center.  I wanted to shout out loud for all patients to hear that 'this Beautiful young lady is my niece, and she is even sweeter and more beautiful on the inside!'  What a thrill she provided me." 

Coach’s white blood cell count was down again this round. They have decided to add another punch to the gut (literally) by prescribing injections he has to give himself that will help boost his counts. Let’s just pray he figures out how to administer these himself because while the team mom is tough, she doesn’t do needles! Coach said it best "a shot a day removes the white count dismay!" 

Round 3 was much more favorable than round 2. We are praying fervently that round FOUR is also kind to him.

Specific prayer request: for an extra dose of stamina and energy for this coming Saturday as the entire Worthington clan and extended clan will be traveling to Knoxville TN to attend a 6,000 person sold out UT baseball game and watch the OG coach, “G-daddy” Worthington throw out the first pitch.

Here is a new article that’s worth the read!

So here we are… back to counting chemo strikes 

( T-ball style) while simultaneously continuing to count each and every blessing from the Lord. Because “even when life doesn’t act right we can still COUNT it all JOY” James 1:12

4 down, 8 more to go!   

Let’s keep playing ball and praising the lord! 


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Tom Hughes

Hi Bobby
This is Tom Hughes Baylor Class of 1973. I met Jimmy Hignight yesterday at the Baylor baseball game and he told me about your health challenge.i am praying for you! Hope to see you sometime soon. Proud of your dad!
  • 5 months ago

Theresa Ward

Great News! Thankful for the updates as you are in my prayers and also in the prayers of friends of mine who know the Lord as well and are petitioning for your complete healing and victory! They ask me frequently how your progress is going and I am so happy to give them this news. Keep going Bob!
  • 5 months ago