Support Registry Update

Update on Anat - Walking and Talking!!!

In support of
The Zeidman Family
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Anat continues to make amazing progress. Yesterday, at around 11 am, she walked around the ICU just 16 hours after brain surgery. Her determination is absolutely remarkable. She was then transfered out of the ICU to the main recovery floor where she will remain until she gets discharged. Her speech, facial expressions, memory, and movement appear to be totally normal. She is not in too much pain, has been eating solid, healthy food for two straight days, and is able to perform all self-care independently. Though she is not sleeping too much, she’s comfortable and not in too much pain. Anat had another MRI yesterday which looked good. Our surgeon came by today to remove the drain tube from her brain and said her incision is healing nicely. We were able to bring the kids up for a few minutes and that was truly a special moment for all of us. They loved seeing that she was doing well and is getting closer to coming home. 
Thursday was a long, hard day for those of us on the outside. I was comforted by spending the day, which is basically just sitting around a waiting area, with family and friends. My partner and one of my best friends, Landon, even surprised me and that was quite emotional.  I was also joined by some of my best friends, investors, mentors, cousins, a Rabbi, my in-laws, and parents. The company and conversations helped us all pass this anxious day. The meeting at the end of the day with Dr. Fred Lang, our surgeon, could not have gone better. He has a simple and honest bedside manner, and effecitvely delivered the news we had so hoped to hear. We truly respect his professionalism and empathy. 
As I do my best to focus on Anat and the kids, I must say that I am incredibly grateful to my colleauges at Altitude Ventures (Chloe, DJ, Nathan, Nate, Lauretta, Rawleigh and Jay) and all of our portfolio company leadership who we work with on a daily basis. They are a part of our family, and have stepped up without a moments notice and encouraged me to focus solely on my family while they continue to do excellent work for our firm and our investors. It means more to me and Anat than we can express in a single e-mail. 
Anat is an absolute warrior - she continues to give every bit of herself to her recovery. We are in absolute awe of the care team at MD Anderson - they go above and beyond 24/7, and have made our experience here seemless and comforting. 
We are hoping to go home tomorrow, 1-2 days ahead of schedule! 
We are eager to get home and continue welcoming so many of our family and friends in our home. We love you all deeply, and have had time to reflect on so much in our life in this short burst of the unknown, and it has made us realize how truly blessed we are to have this amazing support behind us. I say this every time - we feel it, we see it, and we cannot thank you all enough. 
I am showing Anat all of your texts, e-mails, notes, and posts. It is still a lot for her to process, but she's coming around every hour. 
We will address her hair in the next post. 
I will report back when we get home and hope these updates are helpful. 

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Bless you and your sweet family. I am so happy to hear all of the good news!! Prayers up for you guys and may God continue to bless you with strength and grace !! XO Margaret
  • 6 months ago


Amazing progress. Love and hugs from the Pickering family!!!
  • 6 months ago

DiAnne Graham

This is such wonderful news, Jay! I’m so happy for the amazing progress Anat is making. Continued prayers as you get to go home. Looking forward to the updates of continued progress! Much love! DiAnne
  • 6 months ago

Kirby Jackson

So happy to hear this update on so many levels. God bless you all! Miracles happen every day.

We will continue praying for Anat’s stealthy recovery and strength! Cannot wait to see her and you guys together.
  • 6 months ago


God is great and greatly to be praised!! He will bring Anat and your family through this trial and you will all be the stronger for it. Of course we are here for you in any capacity you need. We will continue to pray for Anat’s continued recovery.
  • 6 months ago

Howard Margulis

We are praying for all of you and most of all Anat that she has a full and complete recovery. With all our love, The Margulis Family
  • 6 months ago

Alex Martin

Wonderful news! So happy for you all!
  • 6 months ago


Anat & Jay - you guys are inspiration. Determined and focused, the perfect team! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Xo!
  • 6 months ago

Leanne Silverblatt

Wonderful news! So happy Anat is making such progress and will be going home! Our thought and prayers continue! Love from all the Silverblatts!
  • 6 months ago

Bret Kadison

That's amazing! Sending love and prayers!
  • 6 months ago


It takes a village to love a single human being. And not is one of those beautiful women – – beautiful inside and out – – who in genders that kind of love in our community. Hats off to all of you for keeping her spirits up and And Hope, in exactly the place it needed to be in the hands of all of you and, all of us!, Who adore her.
  • 6 months ago


We are so happy that Anat is progressing so well! We love you all and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
  • 6 months ago

Sylvia Goodman

Jay, Anat, and family, I haven't called because I knew that you were not up to talking yet. However, with all of this wonderful news about Anat's surgery and recovery I will check in. Carl's and my prayers have been and will continue to be with Anat and your family. Much love, Sylvia
  • 6 months ago


Sending healing thoughts and prayers to all
  • 6 months ago


A remarkable woman and warrior. Please, squeeze her hand for me.Maureen
  • 6 months ago

Jiten Agarwal

Hi Jay, So happy yo hear that went very well with Anat. She has been in our prayers. I am back in Houston now so will love to visit with you at your convenience. Wishing a very sppedy recovery to Anat.
  • 6 months ago